Resume Building

Create skill based resumes that are built to stand out among the rest

Relevancy Is The Key To Success

I provide resume writing services for young adults who are changing jobs and for those who are transitioning to another career direction. I then match relevant skills to the position of choice and then selects the most appropriate format based on the type of career change you are pursuing.

Are you getting ready to apply to a job or are you looking to transition into another career? In a competitive job market, it’s hard enough for job seekers on a steady career path to get their resumes noticed. If you are pursuing a new direction or just changing jobs, it’s all that much more difficult to convince hiring managers to take a chance on you. When going through a career change (change in job function, change in industry, or both), one of the biggest challenges, after figuring out what you want to do, is how to present and market yourself for this new role. Think about it. If you spent the last 5 years in nonprofit work, and now want to work as an account manager for a for-profit company, how are you going to present yourself so the new industry and potential hiring manager find you appealing?

A common mistake career changers make is to use the same resumes that worked in their previous careers when they’re pursuing new ones. Instead, resumes should be reworked to emphasize key qualifications for new objectives. Now answer the question: “Why should an employer take a chance on me?” You may not have the desired experience, but you probably have skills that are transferable from your former career: A hobby, volunteer experience, etc. For example, a teacher may leverage communication skills used daily in the classroom (e.g., delivering presentations, facilitating group discussion, persuading others and writing reports) to a new career in sales.

Molly Smith, M.A. is known as the “Millennial Coach”

I help young adults discover the right career path, empower confidence, and help break through barriers holding you back!

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